Kevin hands out shirts to Brigaders prior to the start of the Memorial Day parade.
Brigaders marching in the Memorial Day parade 2009.
Promoting the golf outing in the parade. Yes, Gary you do fit in the car. Please join us at the golf outing. Not a golfer . . . try the dinner only option, call Pat Kroiss for details, 920-725-3983.
The color guard looked sharp thanks to the hard work of the Brigaders and Adam W.
Bob E. inspected the drill team and marched for the 76th year.
Bob D. encouraged the boys and girls and kept the lines straight and looking sharp.
Brian and family had fun handing out candy.
Preparing to carry the American flag.
Brigade is proud of America and thankful to our service men and women.
Brigaders had fun in the Onaway float.
Orphie keeps the volunteers stocked with candy from the back of the Rough Craftsmen's trailer.
Memorial Day - handing out candy to the crowd.
Onaway work weekend - Can't burn the burn pile until the ducklings leave the nest. Watch for them swimming in the lake when you come to camp.
Onaway work weekend - Power washing the roofs to prep for painting at Onaway Island.
Onaway work weekend - Volunteers worked hard splitting, hauling, and stocking the island with firewood.
Onaway work weekend - Tom builds a new deck next to the hoist, a great improvement.
Onaway work weekend - the start of a much-needed new floor in chore boy's cabin.
Onaway work weekend - Adam and other volunteers worked hard on installing a new floor in the chore boy and chore girl cabins.
Onaway work week - Thank you volunteers for making Onaway Island in great shape for the boys and girls.
Seven-year Brigader Noah Wichman presents a check for $250 to John Dery, executive director at the Boys’ & Girls’ Brigade. Noah received the check by winning the Volunteer of Excellence Award from Thrivent Financial and designated the check toward the Brigade’s Camp Onaway scholarship fund for children in financial need.
Welcome to the Boys' & Girls' Brigade of the Fox Valley – an outstanding youth organization for boys and girls in grades 6 - 12. Brigade has been serving youth for 109 years! With pride in our past, Brigade looks forward to serving youth today and in the future.
Year-round, positive values and good character traits are reinforced at Brigade through a healthy and fun setting. Come see what the Brigade is all about at There is something here for everyone!