On February 6, 2009, the Boys’ & Girls’ Brigade held their annual volunteer appreciation dinner at Bridgewood Resort and Conference Center. Over 200 volunteers and their guests attended as thirty-five Boys’ & Girls’ Brigade volunteers were recognized for leader milestones.
David Peck was recognized for an outstanding record of 45 years of serving youth at the Brigade. Additionally, the following leadership milestones were recognized:
30 Years: John Anderson;
25 Years: Rick Hocking, Sonny Koerner, Peggy Littlefield, Jane Wells;
20 Years: Barb Allen, Ben Christian, Myke Gagnon, Joel Miller, Shane Roh, Len Schneider, Tom Ter Horst, John Zietlow;
15 Years: Tom Becker, Kathy Clusman, Scott Crane, Blaine Henkel, Alice Hoffman, Tim Houlihan, Barb Jahnke, Chris Jape, Larry Krueger, Jason Pheifer, Chad Schroeder, Donna VanRooy; and
10 Years: Becky Arndt, Mike Arndt, Rachel Best, Kelly Brey, Karen Denney, Ed Duessing, Orphie Hamilton, Karen Schaper, Alan Waters.
The Brigade staff and board of directors are extremely grateful for this dedicated service to youth in the Fox Valley! THANK YOU!!!!